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1. Keymate.AI GPT

My go-to for all things web content

How I use it
- Understanding the content of a website or an article quickly.
- Asking questions, summarising, explaining, rewritring or translating content from any website.
- In planning content for this site, I use it for keyword research and asking for suggestions for optimising on-page SEO.

Why I like it
- It's the most versatile plugin for ChatGPT
- It can quickly get info from nearly any source

Hot tip
Ask it to analyse multiple webpages in a single prompt.

Combine it with
- A+ Doc Maker to convert your output into almost any format.

Chat demonstration

2. Doc Maker

The one I use to convert to any file format I need

How I use it
I ask ChatGPT to generate a table, then A+ Doc Maker to give it to me as an Excel or CSV file.

Why I like it
- Super convenient and versatile
- The only plugin you need for exporting your chat output in most cases

Hot tip
- After you create a doc, the link to download the file has an "Export to Google Drive" link. Very convenient!

Keep in mind
- It's free unless you want faster preview loading times and premium templates.

Combine it with
- Any plugin or workflow in ChatGPT that gives you an output you want to save as PDF, Word, Excel or CSV.

Chat demonstration

3. ScholarAI

The top GPT for students, researchers and journalists

How I use it
- in writing my newsletter covering recent news and research within AI and tech. ScholarAI allows me to search for and quickly find research studies on a specific topic. Here's an example where I ask it to find recent studies related to ChatGPT, and get a very condensed and useful overview back; notice how I'm asking for a specific output condensing abstracts for quicker readability.

Why I like it
- Provides fast and reliable access to peer-reviewed articles and academic research on any topic. Is fairly quick, compared to some of the other options for academic research.
- Team behind the plugin committed to making a trustable product.ScholarAI is founded by what seems to me as solid team of researchers and developers, committed to providing reliable information, which I think is of major importance for anyone considering implementing AI into their research.

- ScholarAI has also been featured in Yahoo! Finance, and called a "game-changing ChatGPT plugin for journalists" by the International Journalists' Network.

Hot tip
Ask it to generate a lot of studies on a particular subject (you will need to confirm ChatGPT to proceed with searching over multiple prompts), then export the output to excel with A+ Doc Maker. You now have an extensive, neatly organised and filterable list of studies for the topic you need – huge time saver!

Combine it with
- AskYourPDF to reliably (and in a traceable manner) analyse the full length of the research papers you've found with ScholarAI.
- A+ Doc Maker to generate excel files with your findings for easy overview.

PS! If you are looking science backed answers to your questions, rather than a list of studies, I highly recommend checking out the Consensus Search plugins.

Chat demonstration

4. ResearchGPT

Quickly get science-backed answers to your questions

How I use it
- Consensus give you answers grounded in scientific research, with proper citations. Whenever, I have questions about whether or not a claim is backed by science, this plugin is my go-to for getting a quick, reliable answer.
- I can then get creative with the result, and use ChatGPT to create content around the results.

Why I like it
- Google is great, but if you enter a research question the top results aren't necessarily the most credible sources, but rather sites that have high authority and are able to rank high in the search result pages. Consensus provides a great alternative by searching only scientific publications and providing the most relevant answer to your questions.

Hot tip
- Use Consensus to ask ChatGPT an intriguing research question, then ask ChatGPT to spin up a blog article incorporating the key information from the results. It will be much more insightful than just asking it to make an article based on the default model.

Combine it with
- Here's a gem for SEO purposes: Combine with AI Search Engine to ask Google the same question as you asked Consensus. Ask ChatGPT to analyse the top SERP results, and find information from the Consensus results that's not already on Google. Boom, you have something valuable that's not already on Google, which makes it more likely to rank.

Chat demonstration

Source: Consensus

4. AskYourPDF

The best plugin for document interaction

How I use it
- to summarise any document, ask for key points, etc.
- I've used it to quickly analyse tedious reports (e.g. legal documents, companies' annual reports, quarterly presentations), and extracting key insights (these are often available online as PDF docs).

Why I like it
- References specific page numbers when it extracts information. This can be crucial if accuracy is important for your use case; ChatGPT sometimes hallucinates, so you want an option of easily being able to verify the information yourself if needed.

- Handles just about any text-based format you throw at it, as long as it's hosted inside a URL. PDF files, Word documents, Power Points...

- Has the option of uploading files, so you can get a unique document ID (in a URL), which you can use to read and interact with your files.

Keep in mind
- The max file size is only 40MB, so if you have larger files you either have to compress/split your files or use my ChatGPT wizard tip #1 (explained further down this page).

- Keep in mind that if you are uploading files to AskYourPDF, your documents are now online (not publicly available I think, but still, I'd be careful about uploading anything that is sensitive). There's also the option to delete your files after you're done interacting with them, but I found this feature to be a bit glitchy and doesn't always work.

Hot tip
- Analyse multiple documents at the same time by providing URLs to multiple files; for example, you can ask it to compare the documents and present similarities and differences in a table.

Combine it with
- Analyse full-length research papers you find with Scholar AI (the display of page numbers makes it possible to validate the information)
- A+ Doc Maker to convert your output into almost any format.

Chat demonstration

5. YouTube Summarizer

Good one for searching YouTube and get info from any video

How I use it
- ask it to search for videos for a specific keyword and give me a summary
- ask it to generate a summary for any specific YouTube video
- teach myself new skills (make a step by step plan from the video).
- digest several views on a particular topic (e.g. ask it generate a summary for 3 specific videos).

Why I like it
- Works reliably and fast
- Unlike other similar plugins for video analysis, VoxScript doesn't have restrictions on video length unless you upgrade to a paid plan; however, like other plugins extracting information, the shorter the video or text is, the more better the result.

Hot tip
If the video is very long, the plugin might not be able to utilise the whole thing to give you a summary (due to ChatGPT's limitations on max amount of tokens).

If that's the case, ask it to "Fetch every other page of the transcript and tell me what the main points were".

Combine it with
- A+ Doc Maker to convert your output into almost any format.

Chat demonstration

Note! Keep in mind when using WebPilot, YouTube Summarizer and AskYourPDF

It's very important for you as user of these plugins to understand that when you ask them to analyse big chunks of text, they will always try to encapsulate as much of the document that they can. This is because ChatGPT is limited to a certain number of tokens/words, it is probably not going to go through the document word-by-word (which would be the optimal scenario for accuracy).

Always keep in mind that when using ChatGPT and interacting with a large document (e.g. with
WebPilot or AskYourPDF) or a long YouTube video (e.g. with VoxScript), you are on some level working with a SUMMARY of the information. This means it can and will miss certain parts of relevant words and sentences, which could result in incomplete (or worse: inaccurate) information on your end. Take this into account, and manually check the source information directly if accuracy is crucial to you.

Below you’ll find the plugins I use in my day-to-day work. After testing plugins extensively, I find myself using plugins mostly for 2 things:

- Extracting information from the web.
- Converting that information to a specific format.

This list contains the truly awesome plugins that I keep returning to again and again, and which make me more productive. There are other plugins I have used and been impressed by for more advanced use cases, such as automation, but they are not daily go-to's like the ones below.

I also go into more detail on how I use each one below. Enjoy!

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