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Facebook Ads Virtual Assistant
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Facebook Ads Virtual Assistant

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Talk to your Facebook Ads data for reporting, optimization, hypothesis testing etc. Powered by Adzviser.

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Jan 2024
Jul 2024
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Conversation starters

How much did I spend on Facebook Ads this month?
Prepare a Facebook Ads high-level report for the past 12 months. The report should provide insights into impressions, frequency, Link CTR, cost per link click, click-through rate, offsite conversion, cost per conversion, and cost per conversion, as well as the website conversions, and CPM (cost per 1000 impressions). I need the report to be in device breakdown. Remember to show the table of all these metrics and breakdowns.
I would like a comprehensive view of the Facebook Ads campaign performance. The analysis should cover key metrics such as impressions, total cost, average CPC, CPM average CPA, CTR, and conversions detail. Lastly, show me each campaign performance and arrange them according to their impressions.
Draw a Facebook Ads line chart based on the daily clicks and Website Purchases in the past 30 days.


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Engage with the 'Facebook Ads Virtual Assistant' to streamline your advertising efforts on Facebook. This GPT, powered by Adzviser, is designed to communicate with your Facebook Ads data, providing insights for reporting, optimization, and hypothesis testing. Whether you're looking to enhance your ad performance or understand the nuances of your campaigns, this virtual assistant is your go-to resource for data-driven decision-making. |||

How to use:

  1. Start Chatting: Press the 'Chat' button at the top right of this page to open the GPT inside ChatGPT.
  2. Ask Questions: Simply type in your queries related to Facebook Ads data, such as performance metrics, audience insights, or ad spend efficiency.
  3. Receive Insights: Get detailed reports, optimization suggestions, and test hypotheses to improve your Facebook advertising strategies.
  4. Implement Changes: Use the insights provided to make informed decisions and adjustments to your Facebook Ads campaigns.

By leveraging the analytical prowess of the 'Facebook Ads Virtual Assistant', you can gain a competitive edge in your marketing endeavors. This GPT offers a user-friendly interface for advertisers of all levels to extract valuable information from their ad data, helping to maximize return on investment and achieve marketing goals with precision.


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