The 3 Best GPTs for Generating Music
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The 3 Best GPTs for Generating Music

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Explore 3 different GPTs for generating music with us! Find out which one is our top choice to create AI generated music with ChatGPT.

Writes about AI and other stuff.
Mar 22, 2024

In this article, we’ll be testing 3 GPTs for creating AI-generated music that’s in our library. I have selected 3 GPTs to review based on how well they can assist users in creating tracks and how well they can generate music. 

These GPTs only require a prompt to get started; and it doesn’t have to be overly complex to get something going. 

Learn about the pros and cons of each GPT and how they can assist you in producing AI-generated music. Try them out yourself, see what works and see what doesn’t. Ready to channel your inner DJ? Let’s begin. 

Our top choice: CassetteAI

This GPT is our top choice because it offers the simplest and most streamlined process. Users just need to input a prompt (and it doesn’t have to be complex) and  Cassette AI does all the work. 

It generates 20 second instrumental tracks that users can make use of right off the bat. It’s accessible, intuitive, and the process is extremely straightforward. What it lacks in its customization options makes up for a fun and simple music production experience. 

SoundAir Kit is also a close pick in our list. It’s not quite a tool that assists users in generating music, but is more of a library. You give it the artist of choice and the GPT will find AI song covers for that artist. (Think Kanye doing Emo or indie!) One caveat though is its small database, the choices are a bit limited; but trust me, there are some gems in there. ;)

Our handpicked GPTs up for review

  1. CassetteAI
  2. AI Song Maker
  3. SoundAir Kit

For these 3 GPTs that we will be testing, we will be working with this prompt:

“Generate a track inspired by the style of J. Cole, blend classic boom-bap with modern trap and an 808 beat. Incorporate soulful samples reminiscent of vintage records. 
After that, I need you to combine the track with elements of lofi. That means relaxed beats and subtle melodies. 
The output should seamlessly combine the energy of hip-hop with the laid-back vibe of lofi.”

1. CassetteAI

CassetteAI is a GPT that turns prompts into instrumental music. It's easy to use and meant for users interested in creating music quickly without the need of any music skills or music software.

The process is fairly simple, you load in your prompt, and the GPT will automatically generate the track for you. 

Similar to Face Swapping GPTs, the process doesn’t really happen inside ChatGPT. Rather it acts as a shell for users to be redirected to the GPT’s dedicated platform. 

The music generation happens inside Cassette AI’s platform. This GPT can create 20-second instrumental tracks. The process is straightforward: you type in what you want, and it generates music based on that. 

Give it a listen

Quite good no? You can hear the soulful melodies, a subtle hint of the 808s, and it gives that laid-back lofi vibes. 

It urges you to create an account so you can edit or expand the generated track. I gave it a try and I was a bit underwhelmed with the interface and the customization options. Best you’ll have is the option to ‘trim’ or ‘zoom’ on the timeline, the custom option only lies on the prompt. 

What we like about Cassette AI

Ease of use: It’s dead simple to start generating music. You don't need any music background or familiarity with any software. Just input your prompt, and you get a track. 

Creative: CassetteAI is great for trying out new tracks. It can handle a wide range of requests. This flexibility allows users to fuse different genres or styles of production. While it wasn’t able to directly mimic Jcole’s style, this GPT somehow captured his music’s essence in the track. 


Instrumentals only: A downside is that CassetteAI only produces instrumental music. Users won’t be able to integrate vocals or turn the generated track into a full-blown song. 

20 second tracks: That’s all you get from this GPT. 20 seconds. It’s short and sweet, but if it’s this good, it can be quite annoying that you’ll have to pay to get more out of it.  

2. AI Song Maker

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AI Song Maker offers assistance with songwriting, music theory, and generating sheet music or MIDI files. Similar to CassetteAI, it can only generate instrumentals. Although it can offer guidance with songwriting and music theory, it cannot generate a full track. 

It starts off by explaining its process in generating the music. It’s quite long (and unnecessary) but I guess this is the GPT’s shtick; an expert in songwriting and music theory.

AI Song Maker will give you an option to directly download the generated track. You can choose between MIDI or MusicXML.

I decided to download the MusicXML file and use Soundslice. There’s no actual difference between choosing any of the two as you will just be using these tools to listen to the generated music.

It’s unfortunate that we can’t let you listen in on the music it generated. As the process of the track happens on both platforms: The files will be made through ChatGPT, and the output can be viewed with any tool that can read MusicXML or MID filesI. 

This was the interface I had to work with: 

This tool is helpful (if you know your way around it). It's helpful in creating basic structures for songs, understanding sheet music, and producing tracks with sheet music or MIDI tracks.

However I do not recommend this to anyone just starting out. It isn’t as straightforward, and the process is quite long. Not to mention that you’ll be needing a third party app just to listen to the generated music. 

What we like about AI Song Maker

Knowledgeable: This GPT’s understanding of music is evident. It explains AND shows the process of the generated music. It’s a valuable tool for songwriters or for anyone that has a bit of understanding with the process. It also exports the generated track to a MIDI or MusicXML file so you can directly slap it on with any audio editing software you’re using. 

Educational tool: Learning how to read sheet music or perhaps teaching it? Then this GPT can be a great resource. It offers insights in your composition and explains the process of how the music will be generated. 


Input dependent: Without detailed prompts, users won’t get too far. You need to guide this GPT and provide specific input on what they want to hear in the generated music. 

One request only: This GPT works best if a prompt is simple and not overly long. I asked for a fusion between hip-hop and lofi, and it had some difficulties catering to my request. When the prompt asks for too much, the GPT will break the request down to make the track more manageable. 

After a few tries, the GPT failed to integrate the Lo-fi element with my hip-hop track.

3. SoundAir Kit

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SoundAir Kit is a GPT focused on AI-generated music and it’s a bit different from all the other GPTs in this list.

It doesn’t generate music, it doesn’t provide guidance to music generation, rather it acts like a library. It’s made for both artists or enthusiasts interested in hearing their favorite artists in a different style.

There are no prompts required for this GPT to get started. Although you’ll have to ask it first if it does have your artist in its database.

Let’s go with Kanye West:

After that, users will be redirected to this GPTs dedicated platform: SoundAir.

Give SoundAir Kit your artist  and it will give you AI-generated song covers of them.

Here’s some fun bits you can listen to:

I seriously found this GPT to be quite amusing. I can’t imagine Kanye West having covers for these songs. It’s not his style, not his persona, and definitely not his brand. 

SoundAir Kit is not a generative GPT, rather only a casing for a dedicated platform. SoundAir is not a tool, but only a collection base of everything AI generated music. We decided to put it on this list not because of its value, but for its cause.

This GPT aims to collect all AI-generated music in one place allowing users to discover different versions and covers of their favorite artists. 

What we like about SoundAir Kit

It’s a collection: It helps users find new AI-generated music. Looking for songs in a specific genre or inspired by certain artists? SoundAir Kit makes it easy


Small database:
It has a small library and is limited by the users who actually create these AI covers. The selection is not quite extensive. This GPT positions itself as a ‘catch basin’ for everything AI music but will only be limited to what it has in its library. The GPT won’t be able to search the web for anything new or specific.

Time to try for yourself!

At this point, I think we can all agree that GREAT music is hard to create. Don’t get me wrong though, these GPTs are all amusing in their own way. All these GPTs have made it easy for users to generate music with the help of AI. 

While the process is fun and simple, users are bound by so many limitations. AI generated music still has a long way to go before it serves any commercial or personal value. 

CassetteAI is our top pick because of its simplicity. Give it a prompt, and you get your track. It’s that easy.
While there are limited options for customization, I’m confident that any user with a decent music taste will find their way.

Similar to any GPT that dabbles in creatives; it’s a relatively new art form. That means there will be limitations along the way. But don’t let that stop you!

Music is everywhere! While not everyone can be great at creating music, I believe that great music can come from anywhere. Just look at AI having a go ;)

So get your groove on and let it rip! See you on the next one!

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