The 7 Best GPTs for Presentations: Create Presentations With AI
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The 7 Best GPTs for Presentations: Create Presentations With AI

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Take your presentations to the next level using ChatGPT. Check out our picks of 7 GPTs that help you engaging presentations that has your audience glued to their seats.

Writes about AI and other stuff.
Dec 20, 2023

Well hello there! Let me guess, you’re here because you’ve got a kickass idea you want to share. You have solid data points, key insights that you wanna share - but the problem is, you have no idea how to present it.

Create a presentation that’s all data, and you’ll have a snooze fest. Create a presentation that’s all visual sparkle and you provide no value; AND YOU BECOME A SCHMUCK.

Say less, fam! We're about to take your next presentation to not just ‘good’, but "How TF did they even do that?" good? Keep reading, here are The 8 Best GPTs for crafting presentations that'll have your audience glued to their seats (In a super good way).

1. Slide Maker - Seamless On-The-Fly Presentations

Slide Maker is like The Flash of presentation GPTs. You click it, and bam, you're in business.

One of the cool things we love about this GPT is how you can just turn it into a brain dump for your presentation. Topic, style, color of your cat – whatever cranks your tractor. This GPT takes your idea dump and turns it into something that won’t put your audience to sleep. Trust me, we've all been in those presentations (or meetings) where you wish it could’ve been just an email. 

It even gets better with the level of customization it offers. Slide Maker listens and tweaks until you're nodding with approval. And when you're all set, you hit export, and there it is – your masterpiece in  ✨PPTX format ✨.

The versatility is the real cherry on top. Pitch deck? Check. Using it for school? Check. A personal project about why J.Cole is the G.O.A.T. in the rap game? Double-check! Slide Maker's got you covered.

It’s user-friendly, intuitive, and flexible – everything you need to make slides that don't suck.

2. SlidesGPT PowerPoint AI Copilot - Best for Professionals

AHAAA - Yes, SlidesGPT PowerPoint AI Copilot sounds like a mouthful, ain’t it? But surprisingly, it’s a nifty tool that's all about making your PowerPoint slides  "Whoa, that was actually nice" kind of experience.

You give it the business (Not what you’re thinking) —your topic, audience, and what you're aiming for in terms of style—and BAM! it gives you a presentation that could make even the driest topics seem like a big deal.

What we love most about this GPT  is the user-friendly interface. It's like having a conversation, but instead of getting back witty banter, you get professional slides.

In terms of effectiveness, it's a massive time-saver for professionals. Educators can make more engaging lectures, marketers present better roadmaps, HECK even show your boss why you deserve the raise you’ve been asking for. (lol)

3. Powerpoint Helper - Perfect for Tailored  Presentations

The cool thing about The PowerPoint Helper GPT is its ability to create custom PowerPoint presentations that are tailored to your exact specifications.It's like having your own bespoke  tailor for slides, but instead of measuring your inseam, it's sizing up your content needs.

You're not getting a generic  ‘one-size-fits-all’ slide deck. This GPT listens to what you need (and want). It's all about personalization – your content, your vision, translated into a presentation that speaks in your voice, visually and textually.

So, whether you need something sleek and professional or quirky and creative, this GPT is like your personal stylist, tailoring your presentation needs with a flair for style that's as impressive as it is efficient.

4. Slide Deck Builder - Geared for Beginners

This GPT is perfect if you’re really starting from scratch or just seeking inspiration. It could be as simple as telling it what your presentation is about. It could be anything from "Why Star Wars is just a film about unresolved family drama" to "ChatGPT vs Google Bard and why it’s neither" This GPT locks onto your topic like a heat-seeking missile.

Design preferences are where it’s at. Do you like it sleek and modern, or maybe a bit retro? Prefer Comic Sans (PLEASE DON’T) or something more classic? This GPT adjusts to your specificities and delivers slides that match your style faster than you can say "make it snappy." 🤡

Feed it your key points, data, maybe a couple of jokes (that’s how we do it), and it turns them into slides that are clearer than our intentions to make you laugh. 

What do we love?  The review and edit part. This is where you channel your inner critic and fine-tune. The Slide Deck Builder is really cool with feedback – it takes your edits like a champ, no ego, no fuss.

Not sure where to start? Slide Deck Builder is your go-to. 

5.  MS-Presentation - A Microsoft Powerpoint Companion

We love the fact that it’s made specifically for being a companion to Microsoft Powerpoint. Nothing beats the OG, and we just wish that we had this GPT available when we were in high school.

MS-Presentation works wonders with the content. However, it cannot create the actual slides for you. So while you have the content down, MS-Presentation will help you structure the content you have prepared and lay it all out slide per slide. 

This GPT can help structure your slides  from 'meh' to 'wow', making sure your audience stays awake, engaged, and possibly even entertained. (That is the goal, right?)

In conclusion, It's easy, it's helpful, and it might just be MS Powerpoint’s new best friend! Just remember to be clear about what you need, and you'll be making presentations that could potentially – and we mean potentially – be as charming as us here in Whatplugin! ;)

6.  PresentationGPT - Fitted for Outlines

Just imagine if Powerpoint, Google Slides and a highly organized GPT had a baby. That’s PresentationGPT. 

Here's what we love about it: It takes the 'uhm's and 'ah's out of your presentations. It's like having a GPS for your thoughts, getting you from point A to point B without getting lost in the sauce of your own ideas. You will however have to upload your prepared presentation to maximize the benefit of this GPT.

This GPT can be a little too structured for our taste. If you’ve gone this far in the article, then you’ll notice that we love freestyling our explanations. PresentationGPT still lets you do that, but be sure that you still leave a bit of personality and taste in your presentation. 

It's an outline, not a script. It's still on to add the color, the personality, the charm (if you can, no pressure). Use it as a skeleton and then put your own thing and style on it. And hey, if it all goes haywire, just distract your audience with a dazzling smile and a witty one-liner. Smile and wave, boiii. Smile and wave. (Works every time)

7. Canva -  A Well-Rounded Resource for All Your Presentation Needs

Now that we’ve discussed all of our Best GPTs for Presentations out there, here’s the kicker. Canva as a GPT. Canva in itself is already an amazing tool for all your content/presentation needs, but as a GPT? You’ve got one hell of a unit by your side. 

Using it feels like you're a kid in a candy store, but instead of candy, it's colors, fonts, and images. The customization options go crazy. You can tweak your presentation until it's just right. And when you're done, saving, sharing, and presenting  is as easy as sending a text.

We consider this a well-rounded resource, however, you might feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of options. You might even catch yourself asking - ‘where do I even start?’ And if you're a perfectionist, you might spend hours tweaking a single design. (A classic case of fixation)

Our advice?  start simple. Pick a template that speaks to you and make small changes. Explore some of the tools, And remember, sometimes less is more. Keep your eyes on the prize – your finished presentation.

To wrap things up, Canva in ChatGPT is like having a design team at your fingertips. It's about kickstarting your creativity, making design work  less of a suffering and more of an adventure!

And there you have it, my fellow AI Wizards! our roundup of the 7 Best GPTs for crafting presentations.

Now, We know what you're thinking. "This is all great, but how do I know which one is the right fit?" The answer is simple: you've gotta jump in and try them out for yourself. Trust me, it's more fun than trying to understand why some people treat Powerpoint or Slides like a Word Document (They are the worst). 

Don’t also think that AI generated presentations serve less value. These GPTs are your  creative partners. They're here to take the heavy lifting off your shoulders, leaving you free to sprinkle your unique touch over your presentations. So, whether you’re pitching to the big bosses, educating the minds of tomorrow, or just trying to prove that J. Cole  is, indeed, the G.O.A.T  – there’s a GPT for every situation. 

So, what are you waiting for? Go forth and present that idea! Have fun creating! 

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Specializes in creating presentation outlines and offers guidance for effective presentation structures.

Document Formatting
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Crafts stunning PowerPoint presentations, offering customization and PPTX export options.

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Crafts PowerPoint presentations tailored to specific needs, offering two theme options. Currently in beta version.

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Enables effortless design of various items such as presentations, logos, and social media posts.

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Assists in creating professional presentations.

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